
This service and its oriented products only in the form of digital downloads shall be accessed by any student, academician, researcher, teacher, professor, lecturer, and/or any other person holding such a functional title in the field of education. The viewing, buying, and usage of any such documents made available at the moment or in the future shall be only facilitated by an effective agreement and abiding by the terms and conditions as mentioned here without the exception or failure to include in any circumstances to any person/s or organization/s.

Ownership of Content:

The site owner of the website holds the right to all content displayed, sold, or transmitted through this website including the products, samples, and advertising content related to the products displayed herewith. Various information including the title, author names, or cover images are used only for recognition for the students using our learning material and not in any manner presume a sale of the material displayed in digital or physical format. The design, logo, templates, and concepts involved in this website shown and inherent are considered as the property of the Site Owner and not to be used by any third party without express permission from the aforesaid.

Rights of Usage:

Any material downloaded from this website or otherwise received from the site owner are only for individual use under any circumstances notwithstanding the nature of the purchaser. Reselling, redistribution, or remodeling of the content with or without monies being generated shall be strictly forbidden and due course of legal action shall ensue upon such discrepancies being discovered.

While the customers paying for a particular digital content may own and use the downloaded material indefinitely from the time of download, strict adherence to their own applicable academic or governmental regulations is deemed to be only the customer’s responsibility and the Site Owner shall not be liable to any claims from the customers or the enforcing authorities to be any part of the offense based on the material if any committed by the customers.

Terms of Payment:

A one-time purchase price as mentioned and displayed on the product page would be charged for the download of the product and there shall be no additional costs, rental monies, or any kind of maintenance or membership charges charged to the customer at any point of time. Each product is sold individually and any offers, levies, package reductions, etc.; are up to the sole discretion of the Site Owner.

Withdrawing a promotion, offer or levy shall be done upon the decision of the Site Owner with a clear display of the final cost of the product during the purchase to show if or not the same had been applied.

Providing any payment information to the website or its employees including Credit/Debit Card numbers, banking information, or any payment gateway logins is strictly prohibited to all customers through any medium of communication. The only process of payment shall take place through the payment gateways in use and the appropriate measures shall be ensured to redirect the customers to the said secure pages during the payment process.

Refund Policy:

We strive to achieve zero refunds through a sufficient and foolproof system of verification and purchase as follows. We have sufficient checkpoints to ensure that the product is verified from all possible characteristics before buying. All our products are digital downloads and hence not returnable. However, an extreme case of human error or a technical failure on our part shall be handled internally between the Site Owner’s dedicated customer support via E-mails or Live Chat and amicably resolved based on a case-to-case basis.


Any disputes about issues raised within the above terms shall be dealt with based on the respective courts of law per the filing and ensuing of the second party of the dispute.